Last month, we asked you to submit your fan questions for Big Time Rush, and TA-DA, we've finally got the answers to all your burning inquiries! In case you've accidentally been tuning out the world for the past year, we'll remind you that the boys of BTR star in their own Nickelodeon show, and their latest film, "Big Time Movie," came out just a few weeks ago. Their album, Elevate, has sold more than 200,000 copies, they're going on a gigantic summer tour, and oh, have you looked at their faces recently? Because they're just a little bit attractive.
During their stopover at MTV studios, the boys went on record answering fan questions asked by you, the fans! BTR die hards wanted to know what the guys had on their iPods, who pranks who, and what each band member's favorite song is. BTR obsessives were also curious about how the boys divvy up the verses in their tunes and which tour venue is their favorite. All of these questions were answered in full, but you guys also wanted the good stuff! Towards the end of our interview session, topics got a little juicier — a brave Big Time Rush fan broached the subject we've all been dying to discuss: the boys' celebrity crushes! "Zooey Deschanel is like, an all-American sweetheart," confessed Kendall. James' pick is actress Eliza Dushku while Carlos chooses Katy Perry. Ummm, all those gals are brunettes, and incidentally, SO AM I. Call me maybe?
Watch part 2 of Big Time Rush answering fan questions under the cut!