Smile |
Slowly, it's a truth
Threekies members (
POST), but sometimes, we'd have girls talk, not to say we don't included the another 3 guys. But, four of us do live near, too.
*giggle* So, what should I called'em in my blog? Confidant? Bosom Friends? Intimate Friends? BFFs? Noh, I feel corny, more than 10 years' friendship need not any call in order to show off, to keep or to hold tight the friendship. Everything deep down will know. Well, I always feel it that way.
Once upon a time (actually it's only happened last month), we met and don't know how we linked into this HPV and Gardasil topic. One of us is a nurse, guess? *LOL* Well, we had made-decision where under her (the nurse) "leadership" and arrangements for the injection, we had our gardasil injection in last Saturday, but, do it separately, I mean we had injection in the different time same day.
I think most of people doesn't noob like me, does heard about this Gardasil injection. Surprisingly, I don't know until I get known from them and have this injection right after know this information not more than 2 weeks.
Well, I believe some of you did know about it, but, still haven't have the injection, am I right? Anyway, nothing gonna stop to share the important information.
The Fact: what you should know about HPV, cervical cancer and genital warts. But, P/S: I will only picked some slide (Total 23 slides) that I feel it's important to share out,
no point if I copy and paste everything down into my blog, right. If you really interested and want to know more,
click here: Tools to share, to find out.
So, Let's started.
1. What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?!
2. Who gets HPV? Beware, HPV infects both women n men!!!
3. What diseases can be caused by HPV?
4. How can you help protect yourself?
GARDASIL is given as 3 injections over 6 months, example:
First dose of injection: 31/3/2012
Second dose of injection: 30/5/2012
Third dose of injection: 30/9/2012If you have any common question to ask, you can click here: Common Question Answers.
For me, I more concern about side effect, because my body is kind of frail and sick.So,
Spotted the rectangle? Yeah, I've those symptoms appeared. But, no worries, doctor said it's common side effects. Unless you get redness and swell badly.