What I'm Wearing ...feelin' like a little like a "jailbird"
* Navy and white Full Tilt striped tank ...which I actually found on Amazon for next to nothing. However, since Jerry Brown effed Amazon in the arse with sales tax and Amazon responded by effing all of its California affiliates {including me} in the arse, I shall no longer shop there and/or advertise for them. {which actually really sucks}
* Goldhawk silk gray pants ...seen once here
* Vintage seahorse necklace and gold cuff. Gold hoops & D&G watch, vintage gold clutch & white straw fedora.
* Chloe "belladone" sunglasses
* Boutique 9 nude anklestrap heels
* Hair: waved as I normally do then split it in half/brought to both sides and just braided the ends. Though it does have a bit of a "Cocker Spaniel" look.
* Title: lyrics from Duran Duran "Come Undone" a later one from Duran Duran but one of my favorites.
This could have most definitely been a great 4th of July outfit ...especially if I added red shoes and/or a red clutch. But in all actuality, I wore this to the gallery last Friday. It was a preemptive patriotic look. And while I couldn't care less about America, because with its lack of universal health care, it obviously hates me, I only wear red, white, and blue because I enjoy dressing up. However, as you well know, I have an awesome Summer cold and considered putting my bikini on as getting dressed for the day. But I did enjoy the sun and pool in our backyard yesterday, which was delightful really. ...and now, back to work for all of us. * My sarcasm reflex is kicking hard today.

where are my feet? ...oh right, my arms ate them.