So, not only did I come across a fabulous website dedicated to tomboy inspirations of the past and of the moment, but I also came to the realization, that I myself, am most definitely a Tomboy.
Or at least part Tomboy!
Here are the seven different archetypes of Tomboy style, according to
TomboyStyle :
Personally, I think I am a combination of the girl next door and of the rebel. And the rest of the time, I am sporting Zooey-Deschanel-ly (does that work?) inspired frocks and flats. But even Zooey rocks the Tomboy look sometimes, and that's just the perfect combination of sweet & feminine, and rugged & laidback.
Regardless, images like these are flooding my mind and getting these gears-a-grindin'.
Check out my newest favourite website,
TomboyStyle, with cool retro images, new contemporary muses and outfit ideas for the modern tomboy.