Sunday, February 26, 2012

*Hey Girl*: Awkward and Awesome Sunday

The Story
*Hey Girl*: Awkward and Awesome Sunday
Feb 27th 2012, 03:01

Random fact 1: I love taking pictures of myself and messing with them on picnik.

Random fact 2: I'm smiling weird.

It's awkward, really awkward when:

*you're goofing around and you almost fall and hit your head because your chair tipped backwards.

*your necklace doesn't lay right...that's all I'm saying.

*being friends with people on facebook and you don't talk in person (or on FB for that matter) EVER.

*words come out wrong and it sounds like an innapropiate joke.

*watching The Bachelor with your parents. Actually, watching The Bachelor at all. Stupid show.

*you get teary-eyed about something and have to look in a weird direction to avoid contact.

*you walk into a movie theatre ALONE on Valentine's Day to see The Vow. It doesn't get more awkward than that. (But, I'll have you know, I was meeting up with a girlfriend to watch it...not alone.)

*you have to delete a New Girl episode because it's getting kind of risque. (Don't dissapoint Zooey! Anymore OR you're outta' here!)

It's awesome when:

*you watch a rerun of New Girl's Episode: Cece Crashes. (It's my favorite. I am such a fan of Nick and Jess. They need to be together. Oh, and plus, this episode seems the cleanest.)

*you pair an awkward shirt (that has been hanging in your closet for 7+ months and only worn once) with a black pencil skirt.

*you cut up a tube of mousse makeup and find that there's still some treasure to be had. It doesn't need to be thrown out yet!!!

*you plug in 20 miles a week and your thighs are aching.

*your mom makes amazing enchiladas.

Have an amazing week, my fabulous followers. Stay out of trouble, ya know those awkward situations. And if you do find yourself in some awkward scenarios, share them. In the comments or...anywhere. It's good therapy.

Random fact 3: Now that I blog about Awesome and Awkward things, I actually look for goofy scenarios and embrace my weirdness...more.

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