I checked in on another round of To Have and Have Not, the 1944 film starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. I had just watched Casablanca again and so was tuned into Bogart. Kind of similar in that they are war/adventure/romance based and keep things moving with lots of cocktails and of course, cigarette scenes. I have to admit a certain fascination with Bacall as well (for some reason I always connect her with Faye Dunaway but that is a different story). In between watching Eddie's confusion over being between binges and digging the casual Hoagy Carmichael tinkling the ivories I checked out what Wikipedia had to offer in addition to the picture below.
Lauren Bacall with Hoagy Carmichael
I was reminded that this was the screen debut of Lauren Bacall, but even better I also found out that Bacall was the first cousin of ex Israel President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Good stuff! A lot more to this movie than is obvious at first glance. It is based somewhat loosely on the novel from Ernest Hemmingway by the same name. Can't say that I have read this, but have just put it on my to do list. I guess that "Slim" – the Bacall character – is a prostitute in the book, while in the movie she is a sultry singer. The disjunct between her speaking and singing voice reminds me of current actress Zooey Deschanel. I did not find out whether the name of the character played by Bogart, Captain Morgan, has any connection to the beverage of the same name. Either way, every time I heard his name I thought of the "Calling all Captains" commercials.
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