Thursday, March 1, 2012

Eleven Things — Hamlet's Mistress

The Story
Eleven Things — Hamlet's Mistress
Mar 2nd 2012, 04:18

I saw this on Veronica M.D.'s blog and thought it would be fun.    She didn't tag me to do it, but I'm willing to forgive that oversight.

The Rules:

1. Post these rules.

2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.

3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.

4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.

5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.


1.   My new bedding makes me furiously happy.  I don't know the last time I've made my bed every day for over a week continuously.  I love sleeping in it.  I love looking at it.  I love thinking about how it looks during the day when I'm not around it.  Once we get a new mattress my bed may be my favorite place in the world.

2.  My dogs were allergic to their food.  How weird is that, right?  We thought they had fleas for ages.  It was so embarrassing.  As it turns out?  Allergic to their food.  Changed their food, no more scratching.   Now THEY are furiously happy.  And lazy.  But that has nothing to do with their food.

3.  We un-crate trained our dogs.  They seem to appreciate the freedom.

5.  I always buy crayons and markers CONVINCED that I'm going to start making cute cards and pictures and doodles for my friends.  It never happens and now I just have tons of markers and crayons.  Because as it turns out, I'm just not that motivated.  Or artsy.  Or cutesy.   That's a trifecta of fail when it comes to creativity, I gotta tell ya.

6.  I'm contemplating giving up TV for a year.  (After this season of Idol is over, of course)  Except for sporting events and catching up with DVR on Saturdays OR Sundays.  Not both.  Now that we're getting home at a decent time I'd like to see how productive I can be in the evenings after work.  You know for exercising and writing my book.

7.  Oh hai!!!  Did I mention I'm writing a book.  I am.  So there's that.

8.  My Droid may be my favorite possession.  It's really unsettling how much I can't be without it for one single moment.   Unsettling…  or sad.   I'm going with unsettling.

9.  I rehearse conversations in my head.  I play both parts, of course, which means the conversations never goes as planned and sometimes go terribly, horribly wrong.  You know, because I can't control what the other person says.  Or how I react to it.  Ok, so I can control how I react to it but it's really really hard for me because after all that rehearsing to not have the conversations go as planned freaks me the freak out and I just lose all feeling from my neck up.  I do this for all kinds of situations.  Interviews, conversations at work, conversations with my husband.  True, 99% of them, while not going the way I imagined, don't go badly.  But that 1% that goes awry?  That percent is a doozy.   I thought this was just something I did.  Turns out my husband does it, too.  Does everyone?   I'd like to know.  It might make me feel better.  Maybe.

10.  Oh, I lied.  Tied with my Droid as my favorite possession is my FitBit.  I'll be doing a FULL writeup of it this weekend.

11.  I've had to pee while writing these last 10 things and while posting the picture and really since I sat down at the computer.  So before I journey into part two of this SAGA of a post I'm going to go take care of that.   You're so happy I shared, right?  I knew it.

Questions from Veronica:

1.   What is the best vacation you've ever taken?

The first time my husband and I went to the Outer Banks.  It was like discovering this wonderous magical place where all our stress disappeared, we never argued and everything was right with the world.  Honorable mention to this past time we went there and we took our dogs with us.  It was WONDERFUL and I'm so glad we got to experience how awesome it was so that we never leave them home again when we go there.

2.  What kinds of food do you hate?

There are a few foods that immediately engage my gag reflex.  Onions.   And the second and third ones I can barely even type without wanting to hurl.  Like for serious.  Beef Stew and Beefaroni.  Then there's just the regular foods I don't like.  Peppers, pasta, etc.  But I can choke those down.  Onions, Beef stew and beefaroni I can't even put im my mouth.  The smells alone.  The THOUGHT of them.  ^Gag^  Moving on.

3.  Are you a type A person or a type B person?

I'm not sure what this means, but something tells me that a type A person would know.  So I'll say I'm type B.

4.  What was your biggest accomplishment of 2011?

This is two-fold.  First I took this blog public in July 2011.  Prior to that I blogged anonymously for a year on here.  If I had to do it over…  I don't know if I would.  But that's part of the risk of "coming out" so to speak.  You can't go back in without starting all over.  And I'm not starting all over.  I love this space.  It's my place.  And for the most part it's awesome.  Yes, I have my share of those who comb through my blog to see if there's anything they can hold against me, but all us bloggers have that, do we not?  It's all part of it.  I love that I have readers who only know me through the blogosphere and I really do love knowing that I now have readers that have known me for ages.  I will say the second part of this, that goes hand in hand with bringing this blog out into the open, is by far the best thing I've experienced not just in 2011 but for many years…  I used it to reach out to someone I'd lost contact with.  Someone I loved to death and missed to bits who I had a feeling had started reading here.  I wrote a message just for her that she would know was for her.  Within minutes I had an email from her telling me that she could never, ever just think of me as just a "facebook friend".  That what we have is so much more and always would be.  And we reconnected.  Once I reconnected with her another person with whom all ties had been severed reached out to me.  And we have reconnected.  These women, these remarkable women, they are a part of me.  They've always been.  I am so grateful.  So amazed.  And am truly touched to know they never let me out of their hearts just as they were never out of mine.

Of course a close second to all of that is going to Ikea for the first time.  An accomplishment that has become an obsession and quite the money suck.

5.  What's your favorite dessert?

Molten Chocolate Lava Cake at Chili's.  I've had it like twice in my life.  I'd eat it every day if I had no self-control and a lot more disposable income.

6.  What's your favorite thing on TV right now?

I'm totally crunching on New Girl.  Love Zooey Deschanel.  That show makes me laugh from start to finish.  It makes me almost as happy as Friends did.  I hope it sticks around.

7.  What is one thing you wish you did more often?

I wish I took naps more often.  It's pretty tough to do that working full-time but in college I fell madly in love with the nap.  So reinvigorating.  So yeah.  I wish I napped more.  I wish I was ABLE to nap more.   Naps are good for the soul.  The whole world would be at peace if everyone laid down with their favorite blanket in their most comfortable sweats for two hours every afternoon.  I'm certain of it.

8.  What's one thing you wish you did less often?

I wish I got sick less often.  I have the most sensitive stomach in the world ever.  No, like, EVER.  I seem to be in a time period of it being under control again presently…. knock on wood… but when my stomach decides to be a jerk, it's a jerk often.  To the point that I can tell you exactly what time I'll be done puking and be ready to go on my way.  It's ridiculous.  I've had a messed up stomach since I was a kid.  Stress makes it SOOOO much worse.  So yeah.  When I take the time to keep track of it I can pinpoint it to certain times of extreme stress.   Solutions?  Anyone?  Eliminating stress is HARD.

9.  What is the best gift you ever received?

My husband is NOTORIOUSLY bad at keeping a secret of what he buys for a gift.  I think he gets it from his family because whenever I've been around them opening gifts it always seemed like everyone know what everything was before they opened it.  It would always make me laugh.  So coming from that, whenever he buys me something, he has to give it to me immediately.  The only time he didn't do this was our first Christmas together dating.  I had told him how every year as a joke I would put a PlayStation on my Christmas list for my mom, but I knew I wouldn't get one.  I'm not sure why.  Probably because of the Atari we had when I was little that I never played with.  Imagine my surprise and squeal of delight when I opened my Christmas present and THERE was a PlayStation.   Used, refurbished…  but I didn't care.  I'm not picky.  I was shocked and so so excited.  Best gift.  Hands down.  I've not been surprised by a gift from him since.   It's been 8 years since that gift.  His inability to keep gifts for me a secret has become a part of his charm.

10.  Are you a spender or saver?

Both.  I am a goal specific saver.   Like currently saving for a mattress.  (Because I try to be cash based as much as possible).  Or saving money for Ikea.  I save until I get the amount needed for the goal I want to attain…   and then?  I spend.

11.  What is your most shameful indulgence?

I have no idea.  I don't have any indulgences that I'm ashamed of.  I really don't.  OHHHH my gosh!  Yes I DO!   Yarn.  For reals, yo.  It's so so bad.   I have so much bleeping yarn it's ridiculous.  Craziness how much I have like bags of it.  Bins of it.  And more bags of it.  It's a stupid dumb amount of yarn.  So yeah.   That.   Yarn.

My Questions

1    If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?

2.  You have a room in your house full of something you don't want anyone to see.  What's in the room?

3.   What is your most ridiculous fear?

4.   What's your goto happy song?

5.   What's been your best day so far?

6.   Hands down favorite movie and why?

7.  What are you reading right now?  (Because you should always be reading something)

8.   What made you start blogging?

9.    Who's going to play you in the movie of your life?  Why?

10.  What's your favorite thing to do during your favorite season?

11.   What is your secret guilty pleasure?

I'm tagging:  Brooke, Jana, Tracie and Lynn.  Anyone else, please do it, too!

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