Friday, March 23, 2012

Hard G: Day 3: My Favorite TV Show

The Story
Hard G: Day 3: My Favorite TV Show
Mar 24th 2012, 04:28

Since I am not holding to the whole "day" premise of this exercise, I'm going to start listing them as Posts.

Now that we have that bit of housekeeping out of the way, on to the show(s)!

Once again, I don't have one favorite show.  I do have several that hold a special place in my heart.  Or my head.  My couch potato head.

Firstly, 30 Rock.  I <3 Tina Fey.  She is brilliant and hilarious and just nerdy enough to be relateable.  Liz Lemon is my homegirl.

Next up, we have The Simpsons!  Once, many moons ago, a classmate said I reminded them of Lisa Simpson.  I don't know if he meant it as a compliment, but I took it as one.  Since then, Lisa has sort of been my spirit animal.  And its what got me started on watching The Simpsons.  Eventually, it won over my mother.  Dad, however, remains unswayed by the animated awesomeness.  But we did get him to see the movie.

The show that I am currently loving is New Girl.  I don't care what the jaded hipster-haters say, Zooey Deschanel is adorbs.  And hilarious.  I hope the show maintains its zest, and doesn't veer into the lame territory like other shows (Raising Hope, I'm looking at you).

I am also currently loving Once Upon a Time.  Disney-esque fairy tales with a grown up twist?  Yes, please.  Plus, it's written by the folks who wrote Lost, so there are all sorts of hidden easter-eggy gems to be discovered.  

And lastly, we have Lost.

Oh Lost, how I loved thee, with your mysterious tropical island, polar bears, crazy pants survivors, and secret codes.  You cliffhangers killed me weekly.  And then there was the finale. Vincent the dog will now illustrate how I felt after watching the end:  

Flat.  Disappointed.  Lost.

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