Monday, March 19, 2012

Jenna Marbles is always right… « littleredthoughts

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Jenna Marbles is always right… « littleredthoughts
Mar 19th 2012, 22:50

Is everybody else as in love with Jenna Marbles as I am?

I hope so. She's amazing. And my #2 girl crush of all time. (#1 is Zooey Deschanel)…

Anyway…although Jenna does talk a lot of shit (AMAZING shit, but still shit…landshark) sometimes she really does make a lot of sense. She made a video the other week that I could really relate to…


Now, throughout this whole video I was saying to myself 'yeah, so true, Jenna you're so right…' but the part about how guys don't understand why girls take so long to get ready REALLY struck a nerve. The amount of times I've been getting ready for a nice day out/dinner/bowling/casual trip to Pets at Home and my boyfriend's like 'Come on Ruby…Hurry up…How long until you're finished?' ERGH! They really don't understand what it's like to be a girl. Boys are lucky. They go to sleep and wake up looking more or less the same. For some reason, girls don't have that luxury.

When a boy gets ready, there are 3 distinct steps they have to take before they head out the door.

1. Get dressed

2. Do hair or put on hat

3. De-odorise (hopefully)

When I was getting ready the other day I counted 18 separate tasks that most girls need to go through almost every day in order to look semi-presentable. For some people this may be more (if you like the hoochie look) or less (if you were blessed with annoyingly good skin) but either way, getting ready when you're a girl is an EFFORT.

1. First you have to assess the situation. Yep. I look gross. I somehow managed to get dreadlocks in my sleep.

2. Shower time.

3. Moisturise.

4. Get dressed.

5. Foundation.

6. Powder.

7. Eyeshadow.

8. Eyeliner.

9. Eyebrows.

10. Eyelash curler.

11. Mascara. (And THEN you have to wipe off all the bits you managed to smudge.)

12. Blush.

13. Lippy.

14. Hairdryer.

15. Straighten.

16. Try very hard to flatten fringe.


18. Actually no…decide against fringe.

And there you have it. So maybe next time your boyfriend starts to get a bit lairy about how they dinner reservation is at 8.30 and it's now 8.12 perhaps you could explain to him just what we ladies have to do to achieve the way we look. And if he continues to complain then just show him the picture of step one and ask if he'd prefer to take that out to dinner instead…

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