Monday, March 19, 2012

Life Imitating Art, Monday 19/03 | The Uni Diaries : At Wit's End

The Story
Life Imitating Art, Monday 19/03 | The Uni Diaries : At Wit's End
Mar 19th 2012, 08:44

Doesn't it? Obviously it doesn't have as much to offer as say, "Gossip Girl", "The Bold & The Beautiful" or "Baywatch" (Not very good examples, but whatever…), but more or less what's on the TV has happened in the real world.

As (someone) used to say : "Life imitates art, art imitates life". Makes you wonder sometimes huh?

Enough wondering, I actually felt a little dizzy today. Had some weird dream in which I don't remember what it was and the next thing you know I was implanted with the image of a girl……

Wait a minute….



Remember the 8 phone calls Billy made about some matter which I never really knew specifically? well yeah, I finally decided to return the favor.

1st call: Hiyas. I'm not gonna leave no message in the message bank so yeah. call me back. Bye.

2nd-8th: I knew he knew I was calling (Not doing a good job of pretending he's unreachable if that was his intention..) since he hung up on different ring times (I would've accepted that he really was unreachable if it were the end of the 6th ring. But there were some at 5 and a 3, so yeahhh….).

On the 9th call, which would've prompted me to leave a message telling him how I broke his record, he finally picked up. Sheesh, talk about being a spoiler.

What were the phone calls all about? Sorry to disappoint: It's not about a girl, just informing that the transport system had a minor failure (I'd have to make a call on this one…).

That was at 7am in the morning, which makes you wonder how'd he manage to be 5 minutes later for Field Geology class. Methinks an early coffee run. Whatever it is, it's not my business, I shouldn't ask questions and just speculate….

Chris via Facebook at 9am: "Are you in uni yet?"

Oh gee, for like two hours already. Had a Ecology tutorial where we had to count the number of eggs laid by the diamonback moths on 3 separate trays which tested our hypothesis right after Field Geology, but for now, strictly sticking to the Field Geology tutorial and reading "(500) Days Of Summer" fan fiction. I still haven't forgave Summer Finn for not giving the happily ever after ending with Tom "Perfectly Adequate" Hanson, even though as the opening narrative mentions "This is not a love story" (I HATE YOU FOR SAYING SUCH A TRUE THING ).

It's universally acknowledged I'm a horrible secret keeper. And of course, I've detailed some stuff over some random blog online, but occasionally sets a password on them. Billy has access to them, but not this one. I can see he's been killing lots of cats….

I got out of the tutorial 20 minutes early, so I decided to drop by the SLC to pick up Chris. Ran into Jo and Max on the way out, who performed quite possibly the best "Chris" impersonation anyone could do…

C: Hey man we got a glass room

G: War room!

C: Sheamus is in there..

M: Oh ok…

So Chris and Jo exchanged a few words about timetables. And then…..

Max (On phone): Sheamus, where are you? Oh in SLC? I'll be right there.

I. Simply. Couldn't. Believe. It. So you make a phone call when you could've just walked straight for 5 meters….

Then again, it doesn't help when Sheamus has a hoodie on his head.

BIOL2010 tutorial: Not a single egg from the moths. Found out 2 out of 3 drowned while the surviving one lost out to aphids and white flies (so racist. Chris tried "black flies" and "brown flies". Didn't help either). Common cabbages also disintegrated, quite possibly due to overabundance of water. Bottom line: Inconclusive results, lots of work to do.

I didn't expect a crowd when we returned. By a crowd I meant Billy, Jas, Renee, Elise and Sheamus, meaning there was only a chair left (which I snatched). Neither did I expect Jas to switch to a random topic involving young mice going "Oh look who's going to be food? Yes you are! Yes you are!". Wack.

So was Billy. Makes me wonder if he took the formula Buddy Love took in the second Nutty Professor movie, improved it so he wouldn't physically be more youtful, just mentally. His intelligence would've equally a 35 year old months ago (assuming 35 year olds are tech geeks and pretty smart). Right now? There's a growing tinge of 9. Don't know if I'm just very moody or if that's true, but whatever it is, it won't help.

After those two left (Billy work, Jas dunno), there was two different conversations: Sheamus shouting and occasionally being loony (not interested) and Renee and Sheamus going on about TV shows. Heard Angelina Jolie was casted as the protagonist in the Patricia Cornwell novels (Which Renee really likes), to which Renee felt disgusted on….

And the there were talks about novels. The Hunger Games, Harry Potter (They should watch "How It Should Have Ended") and somehow we all ended up on cartoon, reminiscing about Kim Possible, Totally Spies…hey, Josh watches em too. Oh we all have guilty pleasures, don't we?

Dang, time to make a mental note: Watch all Kim Possible and Totally Spies episodes. Also try and catch "New Girl". I love Zooey Deschanel(Have I said that enough?). And go cry while watching "(500) Days Of Summer"….

Or maybe watch Zooey and Joseph Gordon-Levitt sing a cover "What Are You Doing On New Year's Eve". I find it amusing how JGL looks stoned whenever he smiles…

Wow, lots of things to do..

Sidetrack: It's a longshot, but those two do kind of hit off pretty well. Josh has pretty childish tastes, but you can see you devoted he is to every detail on TV shows. Renee's a very refined (learnt to use this word. Aha!) character and they both have quite a degree of similarity. Just saying…

And for horoscope lovers: Pisces-Aries is uhhhhh…..go figure.

Then there was talk about last year's courses. Don't ask: I got burned.

I didn't notice Jenn was in ecology class as well, but that was 15 minutes into the lecture. Spent the first half finishing up my notes for the lecture and the last 15 struggling to stay awake. Seems like last night's shift took more out of me than I thought…..

To the point I decided to head back to the SLC and crash for an hour. It wasn't so pleasant as I woke up the first time around still feeling rather fatigued. The second time however was when the "inception" came along.

When I was 12, I used to draw the image of a girl with the jet-black hair, back facing me (who was drawing), walking towards a scenery, be it into the woods, into darkness of heaven. It was the only thing I was good at drawing (never the face. Pretty horrible at that). I'd sometimes spend my lunchtimes doing that just for the heck of it. Stopped when I got to Brisbane thought.

The girl in the inception vaguely resembled what I used to enjoy drawing. Maybe my art just came to life, to reality, that you can't escape whatever your mind has conceived.

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