Hello there and a very happy Wednesday to you all!
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my blue dress a la Zooey Deschanel in New Girl, I'm so glad you all like it! I can't wait to finish it, it's going to be so cute :) In honour of said dress I decided to make a collage of some of my favourite Jess outfits from New Girl, is anyone else as obsessed with this show as I am?!
All images found here |
She's just great, isn't she? I want one of every outfit, especially the jam-boree t-shirt!
And as if this Wednesday couldn't get any better, here come this week's Wonderfuls, all selected personally by me for your viewing pleasure. Feast your eyes on these...
I hope the rest of your weeks are filled with wonderful things, I'll be back soon with project updates and news about the UFO/Stash Busting Project.
Bye for now!
Katie xxx