Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Girl Crush and I… | hobbytrials

The Story
My Girl Crush and I… | hobbytrials
Mar 7th 2012, 10:03

March 7, 2012 · 10:03 am

I know this isn't really a hobby, but I'm going to exercise a bit of artistic license and write about a gig I went to last night, because it's my blog and I want to. I might even pretend that I'm trialling being a gig-reviewer or something…

For my birthday – which, as you all know, was last month – Superstar Rachel bought me Laura Marling tickets. One thing to know about me is that Laura Marling has dominated my top-25 most played songs on iTunes for the past four or five years; she is my life, my raison d'être, my musical muse, my biggest girl crush (even more than Zooey Deschanel and Lady Sybil off of Downton Abbey). Her lyrics speak my soul. In short, I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with the girl. So I was rather excited when I was told that I was going to be in the same room as her.

I've seen her before but she was just the support act. I paid £20 for tickets and then left before the main guy came on stage just because I wanted to hear her dulcet tones. It was not something that I will ever regret because she is just totally amazing. But back then – and it was a few years ago now – I could kid myself into thinking that everyone else sitting in Manchester Town Hall was patiently waiting for the main act, and just happened to be listening to Laura Marling as well. Last night it was pretty clear that that just wasn't the case. She had sold out the O2 Academy (which holds about 3,000 people) and they were definitely all there to see her. I had mixed feelings about this. Firstly, I'd like to point out that I'm not one of these people who falls in love with an artist and then dumps them as soon as they get big. I'm just not. But the thing is, Laura Marling is MY SINGER and I was infuriated that 2,999 other people would even have the gall to stand there and pretend like they loved her nearly as much as me. I felt very uncomfortable sharing her with anyone else, but I was reassured in the knowledge that I definitely love her the most.

The gig itself was just treat after treat. She sang a beautiful mixture of old stuff, newer stuff, brand new stuff, and even a cover of a delicious Ryan Adams song ("Winding Wheel", in case you're interested). She had a bit of banter with the crowd, told us some facts about the Queen, and had the whole room in an absolute trance for an hour. I've taken a few vids of the evening, but they're not of very high quality (since they are filmed on the "free" phone I got after dropping my other one into a glass of red wine). I'm going to let you see one of them anyway, because I'm still super-excited about having seen Laura and having been in the position where I COULD film her myself.

(If you listen carefully to this vid, you might even be able to hear Rach singing along in the background. Tuneful.)

I'm going to go and watch videos of Laura Marling on YouTube now. Bye.

S x


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