Monday, March 19, 2012

Sweetly Complicated: Reality v. Expectations

The Story
Sweetly Complicated: Reality v. Expectations
Mar 19th 2012, 10:50

A. I love Zooey Deschanel (grilll crushhhh)
B. this clip is dubbed in another language. thanks youtube.
C. This is the best scene in this movie. period.
(500 Days of Summer)
D. I am viewing today almost exactly like this scene EXCEPT….

Reality of going back to work vs. Expectation of somehow magically ending up back on spring break 

Reality: I hit the snooze button 12 times.
Expectation: Roll out of bed at 9…

Reality: I drank 2 cups of coffee and STILL feel like I am half asleep
Expectation: Drinking a frozen something-or-other on the beach.

Reality: I am wearing heels and a dress
Expectation: barefoot in the sand in a swim suite.

Reality: Watching a sea of 12 year olds rolling down the hall
Expectation: Watching the SEA… the REAL SEA.

Reality: Harsh florescent light of my classroom
Expectation: Laying out on the beach gettin my tan on.

Reality: counting down the hours until Hunger Games
Expectation: counting down the hours until Hunger Games


In all seriousness I was in love with Spring Break but I am ready to get back to my kiddos, get back to routine, get back to reality! 

ONLY 9 WEEKS to go till SUMMA!!!! 

happy monday lovelies! 


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