Air Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 9/8c on Fox
RATING: ★★★★★
"Of course you have a Japanese bidet." – Jess
I'm beginning to wonder what anyone sees in Jess.
I really don't know what to say about "Fancyman Pt. 1" because I'm not sure how I feel about it. I laugh at the jokes, I love seeing guest star Dermot Mulroney, and I get the point of Nick (Jake Johnson) no longer having a phone. But I don't get why so many storylines are thrown into one episode creating a cohesive mess. Focusing on one person, one plot per episode, works. Having all the characters doing their own thing is disjointed and isn't entertaining.
Observations and thoughts:
Jess (Zooey Deschanel) and Nick are never getting together. I'm coming to grips with that now. They are nothing but friends and Nick wants Jess to be happy with someone, anyone but him. I guess he realizes how much of a mess his life is considering he can't get a cell phone due to his low credit score. "I've just never seen a score this low. Did you just wake up from a coma?" While funny, it's depressing. What has Nick done with his life? Why is he happy being a bartender who thinks "to hell with being a lawyer?" It takes seeing Russell Schuler's (Mulroney) life for him to figure out he needs to "grow up" and be an adult. This should have been the focus of the episode. I'd have rather seen more of Nick going "ghost protocol" and Jess schmoozing with the rich folk than the other twenty minutes of drivel we're fed.
Please tell me this sex-ed class was for teens...
Schmidt (Max Greenfield) earns the nickname "the Michael Jordan of bar trivia" and it drives Winston (Lamorne Morris) to seek advice from Elvin (Blake Garrett), the kid he babysits. I completely forgot he was doing that. He still doesn't have a real job? I'm so disappointed in Winston. He actually feels Schmidt embarrasses him by knowing a few unnecessary facts. Is this the best they can come up with for Morris? I'm still shaking my head at the ridiculous rut his character has fallen into. He's so much better than a few stupid lines and a part-time Manny position.
And Schmidt. I think he's slowly working his way into becoming a shtick. He's not above dissing himself for laughs and I've come to expect his cutting remarks about his roommates. That and the fact that he knows everything. I still love Schmidt, but I don't want him to become Kramer. Cause yeah, he's heading in that direction.
Funny lines:
Jess to the cell phone guy: "Do you have like a box of charity phones you're sending to Africa? Can he have one of those?"
Jess to Russell after he offers her his car: "I don't know how to drive cars that work."
Russell to Jess about how to drive his car: "Go's the one on the right. Stop's the one on the left."
Cece (Hannah Simone) to Jess about her love of underdogs: "Spencer didn't even own sheets."
Jess: "Yeah. He slept on a pile of washcloths."
Cece to Jess: "Spencer wore Jellies."
Elvin to Winston about a trivia question: "You don't actually know what Mesopotamia is."
Winston: "Of course I know what Mesopotamia is."
Elvin: "Use it in a sentence."
Winston: "Look, there's Mesopotamia."
Schmidt to Winston and Shelby during their makeout session: "You know what, if this was my grandmother's building she'd be outside on the patio and she'd be saying 'you look beautiful. The two of you are a beautiful couple.' But she wouldn't invite you up because she's a horrible racist. You want me to put on some Jodeci?"
Nick might turn his life around now. Let's hope so.
Cece is the voice of reason. I see that now. But even she can't get Jess to see what's right in front of her face. How clueless is this woman?! Cece's a good friend and Jess is lucky to have her. Now that I think about it, she's the only friend Jess has that we see anymore. So why doesn't Jess ever listen to her? We'll get a little more of Mulroney in next week's "Fancyman Pt. 2" but I hope we see more of him throughout the rest of the season. At least he brought a little something different to the story arc. Oh, and Jess being attacked by the bidet is probably the funniest thing about this episode. "Jess you put it up to six happy faces; I've never gone past three!"
Tune in to New Girl, Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox. For more on the show, visit
Photo credit: Greg Gayne/FOX © 2012 Fox Broadcasting, LLC. All rights reserved.
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