I guess I will write about this 'crush' in chronological order (starting from when i saw him in the Hunger Games) seeing as there is simply SO MUCH to write about him.
Why did I put the word 'crush' in inverted commas? Because I wouldn't call him a 'crush', in all honesty. He does not make my ovaries explode the way Alex does. He is a good actor and he is likable. He is, the American Daniel Radcliffe.
So I first noticed him as Peeta in the Hunger games, as with the other 20 billion other fangirls even though I'd watched his other movies before. I thought he was unusually goodlooking as Peeta. Not head-turningly handsome like Liam or Alex but goodlooking, in a different sort of way. I thought his portrayal of Peeta was SPOT ON as with his physical appearance. There could not have been a better Peeta. Even the bf agreed.
I decided to have a look at Josh's pictures and hmmmmmm let's just say my initial response was 'He looks better as Peeta', I mean, see for yourselves:

Peeta Mellark

Josh Hutcherson.
Blonde hair and blue eyes suit him better, no?
I found some of his old pictures with his old girlfriend and I thought he looked incredibly cute in them. Cuddly-cute, not dishy-cute, cuz he looked really really young in his pics. I looked up his twitter and he sounded pretty....cute on his twitter too and I guess that's when my interest in him soared. (weird word to use. hmmm)
I found out he was in Bridge to Terabithia and i was like, OH REALLY?! So i downloaded the movie and watched it again. I watched it when it was released in 2007 and I wrote about it briefly here. (it's an f-locked entry and I'm not going to make it public so...I guess only people who follow me can view it :/)
Upon watching it a second time, I was utterly moved. I felt the emotions in the movie more vividly than I did back then. I loved how cute Josh was in it, i loved Annasophia's character and I LOVED the fact that Zooey Deschanel was in there and that JOSH'S CHARACTER HAD A CRUSH ON HER. I thought that Josh looked amazingly cute as a kid and he had pretty decent acting chops and so i began this mission of watching all his old movies. Oh, this occured during the start of my study week so a good amount of my studying had been compromised no thanks to Josh and Terabithia. thank god it's died down a little now. Will have it resume upon the completion of my exams!
In a span of a week, or was it two days, I caught
1) Journey to the Center of the Earth (which I watched before but could not remember him AT ALL. HAHAHAHA. I only remember Brendan Fraser, sorry Josh!)
3) Fragments (Boring show, he looked cute in his hoodie and long hair though)
4) Zathura (Kristen Stewart looked EXACTLY THE SAME AS SHE DOES SEVEN YEARS BACK)
5) The Kids are All Right (LOL @ the part where he asked his folks why they were watching gay porn) .
And with every movie I couldn't stop wishing that kiddy Josh was my younger brother. I mean, he's alright now, but it would be way too weird to wish that the present Josh was my younger brother. I see present josh as a good actor, not the subject of my fangirl fantasies.I just..can't. lol.
I watched a couple of youtube videos and found him extremely personable. I mentioned earlier that he reminded me of Daniel Radcliffe and here are a few reasons why
1) they are not the tallest people around
2) They are down-to-earth and funny and their videos make me smile.
3) They are not um....Alexander Ludwig-like in appearance if you know what I mean.
4) They both have strong sharp jaws
5) They were so so so cute as kids.
6) They are good actors. I admire their acting chops.
While on the topic of youtube videos, I find it to some extent irritating and amusing at the same time when all the fangirls write comments like "OMG JOSH YOU ARE THE MOST PERFECT HUMAN BEING TO WALK THIS EARTH" or "YOU ARE SO SEXY"
I just go all -facepalm- I mean yes he's a good actor and he does look good and all but 'most perfect human being'?!?!?!?!?!!?! you honestly gotta be kidding me. the wonders of fame, eh. I bet if he wasn't famous he'd just be another dude no one would bat an eyelid at. Heck if i were famous i bet guys would be asking me to have their kids! (i'm not saying I'm hot or anything. I'm trying to bring across the point that fame can make anyone look attractive. )
I get the same reaction when I see like, a thousand girls tweeting Josh every second, lauding his 'perfection' and how they want to marry him. Just because he's famous - oh, just read the above paragraph.
Josh is also proof that you need not be Alexander Ludwig to get the girls.

(I happen not to like how his rabid fangirls call Shannon a 'skank' or 'ugly'. Because she clearly isn't. And they don't know her. And i think it's just mean to pass such remarks just cuz he is famous she dated the guy they probably do not stand the slightest chance with.)
And you compare this with:

All in all, I really like Josh, I like his movies and I wanna give kiddy Josh a big hug and adopt him because he is EXACTLY the sorta little brother I want. But as with Alex, i am NOT Mrs.Hutcherson and I'll be content with being able to enjoy his works on the other side of the planet.