I've been doing alot of traveling lately and you cannot turn on the radio these days with out hearing this damn song "Call Me Maybe" It's bouncy, and catchy and every highschool girl out there loves the crap out of it.
I've only heard it on the radio and it's getting annoying so I figure...she's gotta be cute, right? There has to be some redeeming quality about her so that I can tolerate this crap, right?
Wrong. She's another girl trying desperately to look like Zooey Deschanel. Its the dark hair and the bangs that does it for me.
So I'm watching the video, and it's pretty standard. She's longingly looking out the window at a boy...but now we need to market her as a rock and roll chick, so the guy has all kinds of tats. It's cool to be into guys with tats now...CRJ is, so it's ok now. It's been decreed.
Then she's rolling around on top of a car trying to be sexy and get this guys attention, but ends up falling off the car, so now it's ok to be adorkable...oh wait, that's Zoey's thing...further proof of Carly trying to be Zoey.
So at this point I don't know why I'm watching this video, because there is nothing here for me. But I stick it out to the end and I shit you not....at the end, I was slow clapping, and saying "Best.Video.Ever" to Kendle.
You can watch the whole thing below, or just skip to 2:50 to see why.
I still don't like the song or her, but she certainly get's points for that surprise ending.
Labels: music, youtube
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