Posted by Edward in Visual Diary
Here's one of the many things I like about this photo of my one of my godchildren, Atherton: it seems as though he's a celebrity ducking the camera (like an 80s Sean Penn), when in fact I just randomly shot this to show Susan the awesome parking he found when we met to have dinner tonight.
[Here's another thing you should know; Atty and his two brothers have incredibly great names which make them sound exactly like the law firm you've been searching for your entire life: Atherton, Harley, & Tilman. Seriously. I'm really not kidding.]
The wireless was up and down twice today, although I feel that we got to the root of the problem finally –– meaning that it's either AT&T doing some kind of work on the lines or the modem is on the fritz … or it's just plain old mercury retrograde.
The disruption inspired an important spiritual insight for me: Vibration stuff can be subtle AND all-powerful. And mysterious.
Everything is working like magic. You are plugged in to the vast universe of information and access and then … CRASH. Suddenly, you can't connect at all, and despite going through the usual unplugging motions nothing seems to help.
You go through the diagnostic stuff on your Mac and it's completely unhelpful.
All the Advance functions for the utility are designed only for the pros.
Something very subtle and digital and frankly completely undiscernible is off and you are entirely cut off. It's a living hell.
What I'm getting at is how very specific and powerful the connection to being plugged in is … and how devastating it is when it's turned off. One weird digit or frequency or whatever is off and you're nowhere. [And then you're back and it's glorious.]
One other insight today –– thanks to the restored wireless –– from watching the most recent episode of THE NEW GIRL starring my Life Coach Zooey Deschanel in an episode entitled SECRETS.
I was re-listening to David Neagle and he said something that I have NEVER heard before. Ever. And that means a lot coming from someone who's read every crackpot New Age book ever published.
Sometimes you hear Law of Attraction people say you should keep your visualization stuff a secret, but always because you don't want the masses to trash your dreams before they've hatched. Obviously, that makes sense. You don't need to increase your resistance with a pack of naysayers.
But Neagle said that the reason to keep things secret is more or less because it builds up the energy.
Just as having a secret means that there's something inside you that's bubbling up and eager to be released, that same kind of energy will speed up and intensify your manifestation process.
I LOVE THAT –– and I've never heard it before.
Thank you David for that insight, and THANK YOU Zooey D for bringing it home with your own quirky wisdom.
And Thank You Atheron for illustrating how even in seemingly innocuous moments –– like meeting your godfather for dinner –– we can and should retain an aura of celebrity secrecy, just to keep things exciting.