Happy birthday to meeee! |
When I was a kid, I always wanted my birthday to fall around Easter so that I could have an egg hunt in the backyard but never did the twain meet. OK, and also I grew up in Nova Scotia, where it's slushymud from January through to mid-July and nobody wants to hunt for chocolatey eggs in the mud.
But now, this year? Everybody gets a special ANNABELLE'S BIRTHDAY LONG WEEKEND CELEBRATION! Think of me while you're sleeping in and eating chocolate, y'alls!
I know what you're thinking: can this year's festivities outdo last year, when I got olive oil ear spray and a sieve? WE SHALL SEE! (Want to help me make it the bestest ever birthday? Feel free to donate to the My Cat Needs Surgery Fund)
Birthdays are always an excellent time to get free stuff from various places. For every frugal person, it's time to enjoy heaps and heaps of free stuff... or not.
Every year, I overestimate how much and how awesome this free stuff is. Free drink from Starbucks (if you have a registered Starbucks card and get your postcard in time?) = AWESOME! Free gift from Sephora? AWESOME! Free brunch from a hotel out near the airport where I never go? = Nice gesture, but I don't think I'll be doing that. Free ice cream from Baskin Robbins? = Great, if there was a Baskin Robbins in this city.
Frugal Icon Lauren Conrad celebrated her birthday in Vegas AND blogged about how to order the perfect cake and throw the perfect party. She's like Martha Stewart Jr, basically. |
What are you fave free birthday bonuses?
Let me know in THE NEXT 24 HOURS so that I can take advantage!!