Elvida Santos
Whitney Houston Autopsy Report Released [CNN]
The Sad Truth About Tiger Woods [GQ]
Canadian PM Blasts Obama: The US Is An Unreliable Energy Partner [Sun News]
APD investigating Tyler Perry incident [CL ATL]
My Kasual Kountry Weekend With the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan [Gawker]
Your Weekly Guide To DVD And Streaming: Tyrannosaur On A War Horse [Film Drunk]
Iron Meets Iron [Gwarizm]
Louis C.K. Explains Why He Decided Not To Host The Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner [Uproxx]
Eric's Sister from 'That '70s Show' Is (Still) Not Doing Well [Warming Glow]
Nike LeBron 9 Low Silver/Pink Flash-Turquoise [TSG]
Zooey Deschanel And Her Mom Could Be Twins [Buzzfeed]
White House 'Tax Receipt' Shows Where Your Tax Dollars Are Being Spent [The Consumerist]
'Kazaam': Shaquille O'Neal Explains Why He Did 1996 Genie Movie [Moviefone]