Monday, May 28, 2012

Another Week |

The Story
Another Week |
May 29th 2012, 03:42

How did another week pass so quickly and how did it get to the end of May already?! Last week was filled with work, work, a winter wedding, more work… and actually, an awful customer and an awful shop owner! The customer has been a really hard one from the start. As in so bad, our inner warning bells were ringing loud and clear when we first met her, and unfortunately we've learned the hard way with her that you should always trust your instincts. And not bend over backwards for someone who bullies you and makes you feel really inept.

The shop owner is someone who owns a store next to us and we share some space with her. She's had free reign of the place for 12 months as our building has sat empty, and now she doesn't like that she has to share with us. It's just unfortunate that we love what we are doing in the store, love our space and love our customers, but then a couple of bad apples leave a bad taste in your mouth. I think people forget that we're not a big business or a chain store, we're three people doing what we love and trying to make people happy.

I was taking a bit of time out this morning reading some of my favourite blogs, and came across this 11 random things over on Skunk Boy Blog. I thought I'd give it a go so that you could see what I'm about, and to remember some happy things!  I changed the rules a bit so I've just written 11 random things and answered 11 questions. Prepare to lose some minutes of your life you can't get back!

 11 Random Things
1.  I didn't learn to swim properly until two years ago, at the age of 26. I grew up around water and had swimming lessons when I was young, but was terrified of being in the water. Mr V patiently taught me at a local pool every week until I went from not letting go of the sides to doing 100 laps in an hour.  

2.  I would choose pasta over anything sweet every time. I swear I should have been born Italian.

3.  I don't get the whole Ryan Gosling thing.  I realise 95% of the world's female population may

4.  Book shops and fabric stores make me unbelievably happy. Especially when you find total epicness in the bargain bins.

5.  I don't mind powering through a few bottles of wine on a Monday night with my husband even though we have the whole week of work ahead of us.

6.  When I was a teenager I joined a school band where you had to list 3 instruments of your choice that you wanted to learn. I listed drums, guitar and flute. I got stuck with the clarinet and hated every single second, and my patience for learning instruments started dying off pretty quickly. To this day I regret that I didn't get drums or guitar!

7.  I have one brother, and one brother-in-law. My little brother is wicked smart to the point everything is too easy for him. He's at University at the moment doing things with psychology I don't really understand that well… My brother in law is an amazing actor & writer who just finished University and is about to move to Sydney to follow his dreams… Watch this space!

8.  Our house is solid concrete and is actually the best sound-proofed house I've lived in. It may be impossible to hold a conversation in two different rooms, but you can crank up the music and sing badly along on any random evening until any hour and know the neighbours won't hear a thing.

9.  When I look at my dog my heart feels happy.

10.  I don't think there's anything more boring than being a personal assistant and working in an office.

11.  If I'm super stressed, nothing calms me down like making chocolate fudge brownies. Something about the mixing of the butter into your dry ingredients with a wooden spoon… bliss. And when the eggs go in and change the consistency of the mixture? Ahhhhhhhhhh happy place.


1.  If money, schooling, or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
I would work in my store as my career. I love being there, and it's only time and money that limit how much I can do at the moment. We have such big plans for SW including online stores, furniture rentals and lots more, but unfortunately we have a mortgage to pay so I need a constant wage coming in for the moment. In the future, we'd love to so our own range of vintage inspired pieces that aren't bridal, and then also have areas for cakes and shoes. Hopefully we get to the point where we can seriously consider it!

2.  What's the one thing you look forward to everyday?
Getting home and seeing my husband. He's my rock, my centre, my best friend and my home. No matter what has gone on in my day, I can't wait to see him in the evening – I just enjoy his company so, so much.

3.  What's your number one, all-time, favorite blog?
I don't have a favourite blog! Every day I read Young House Love and Lovely Bride, but then I just bounce around the internet all day. I'm a Pinterest whore, so spend more time there than blogs at the moment… but my renewed blog love is a beautiful mess – so inspiring.

4.  What is your all-time, favourite tv show?  
I can watch Friends, Will & Grace, New Girl, Law & Order & SVU over and over. There's something about a familiar TV show to make you feel secure.

5.  What would your "last meal" be?
Beef ragu with fresh, hand-rolled pasta and plenty of fresh parmesan cheese. Accompanied by a bottle or two of wine.

6.  Do you believe in love at first sight?
In a way, yes I do. The first time I met Mr V, I was in college and in an awful relationship. My friends were talking about Mr V and I asked who he was. Apparently he had been hanging around our group for a while, but I was so caught up in being unhappy with my boyfriend at the time I had never noticed him. One of the girls told me they'd point him out the next time he came over. When she did, I looked over at him and he was looking at me with his amazing eyes and I knew with absolute certainty that I would be with him.

Having said that, after dating for a few years we broke up and for a while we despised each other. It took a lot of growing up, and a lot of learning and patience to get to the stage we're at now. Staying in love takes work and takes commitment. You have to really like the person to want to keep the relationship working, and luckily I found that person.

7.  What would your ideal Sunday morning consist of?
It would be waking up in the holiday house we stay in at Boat Harbour (which in my ideal Sunday, we would own) with the heat pump going to keep us nice and toasty, having a leisurely breakfast and doing some crafty sewing in the sun while Mr V does some work or reads in the same room.

8.  Do you have a celebrity girl-crush?
I jumped on the Zooey Deschanel train when 500 days of summer came out, and haven't hopped off yet. Kate Winslet I have loved forever and I think she just gets better with age. And Marion Cotillard? So Frenchy-sexy.

9.  If you had to choose one color to pick forever, what would you pick?
Yellow. It's so happy and always manages to cheer me up.

10.  What is your all-time favorite band / musician?
Argh, I love so much music I don't think I have a favourite. I do hold a special place for Matchbox 20 as I grew up obsessing about them, and Coldplay because  of memories of their concert Mr V and I saw… but then I love the Darkness, Scissor Sisters, John Mayer, Katy Perry, really cheesy pop, really awesome rock…

11.  Skirts or Trousers?
I'm a skirt girl in a trouser girl's clothing. I have a love affair with vintage skirts & dresses, and now have a pile of fabric to make about 40 new ones, but lack of time and the fact I've worn most of my shoes out means that my go to outfit involves trousers. Time to change that I think!

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