Thursday, May 24, 2012

PROLIFIC†ION: (5) Days Of Summer

The Story
PROLIFIC†ION: (5) Days Of Summer
May 25th 2012, 02:00

You'll have to forgive me for two things:

(1) For not updating in ages blah blah and also I guess for always typing these kind of messages. Bipolar blogger when it comes to how often I post. I've been busy.

(2) For perhaps the most nauseatingly adorable post. My life is going to seem like it's a twee indie film starring Zooey Deschanel and Michael Cera. It has really been lovely lately. England's been busting out the sun and campus is flooded with florals and flip flops. Grass is all green and we've been making daisy chains and singing Home and playing Regina Spektor and taking photos. I'm really happy. It seems to be infectious; it's such an England thing that the minute there's nice weather, everyone's out of doors. We've been lying on blankets on the grass all day for the last three days and Ben & Jerry's is on sale and we've been watching adorable indie films and man, i'm just high on happiness.

So of course, there must be a downside: this coincides with revision time for the big E-X-A-M-S which are occuring from next week onwards. (Not for me; I still have Amy's hen night next weekend THEN it's my exam week.) This means our outdoors lying on blankets on the grass has been spent 'revising' (saying 'I should do some work now,' whilst just not.) I have been getting some work done - mostly done by waking up early before everyone else. And now I'm still awake after most (some) people, blogging about my cute days. Typical.

Everything has really sort of fallen into whirlwind few days - last week especially - so the rest of this is chronologically dating back from like - what - two weeks ago? Without proper lectures and stuff, everything has kind of just fallen into a weird endless cycle of days without names that seem to keep floating by at an alarming speed. Week six already, what the fuck?!

So we've been watching loads of adorable movies. As the year's gone on, I've found more and more people who sleep at ridiculous times. This means I get to socialise later which is a yay for me and a nay for my already appalling sleep cycle. This is also a yay for 3am pancake making.


Oh yeah, my flu's finally gone. I managed to impressively drink it away after going out with Megan and Lucas two Fridays ago or something to Kasbah. Whilst I'd been having migraines all week, I woke up not only without migraine, but also without hangover. I actually adore my liver.


Photobooth camwhoring pics with Lucas on our girly sleepover night. Summer heights high and cupcakes and fort. This was adorable.


It really is getting hard to separate everything. There's always the usual and the unusual going on around here. I bought potato waffles and new shampoo but also got completely drenched in water in a water fight and took portfolio shots with Lucas. I had curry with the filmies and went to the cinema and watched Dark Shadows and ordered more photos and moved my room around.


 After Lucinda kidnapped Mat's phone at Emily's birthday drinks. Oh yeah, the tongue piercing has healed up quite nicely. (Don't know if I ever mentioned getting that? If not, oh yeah, I did,)


The perfectly adorable days started yesterday. Met up with the filmies for a film reviewing session. Watched a few depressing films then sat in the sunshine and discussed them and shared notes. Then met up with halls people and got ice cream and chilled on the grass and Lucinda taught me how to make a daisy chain :') 

Upon returning back, all hopes of revision fell to shit and we brought out the guitar and cartwheels and killed half the daisies making bracelets and crowns for our hair and sang and laughed and had ice cream and just had a really nice time.

 Yay, hair looks so much better in sun. You can actually sort of see the colour!


Aw I really like this picture hahah even got the sun flare going. We found a lovely spot and called it our holiday spot because it just didn't seem like we were in England. 

Today was pretty much the same, except we got some work done, and that we finished off with a barbeque. Tesco dash and some rushing later and we were all sitting outside drinking cider whilst the guys played frisbee which then turned into football which then turned into a waterfight which then turned into Joe just squirting an entire bottle of water at me in the corridor which then turned into my white t-shirt going see through and then I had to go and get a towel.


There's really so much more I could say but I can't remember - my own stupid fault, really, for taking so damn long in between entries. Either way, it's 3am and I've caught loads of sun and I'm planning to be up tomorrow to do the same thing, permitting the weather allows it.

Prepare for imminent panicky pre-exam post, coming soon to a blog near you!

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