Friday, May 25, 2012

The Story
May 26th 2012, 02:09

Contempleting My Sanity Away

POSTED ON Friday, May 25, 2012 AT 7:09 PM

I'm so incredibly mentally lethargic yet still insist on updating this blog, for nothing. It actually boggles my mind, why I actually waste time typing crap which doesn't do me any benefits in the end. It doesn't burn my fat or generate money anyway.

I haaaaave to profess my utter gratefulness towards the holidays. It'll kind of extend my paranoia/sadness of getting the exam results back. As odd as it sounds, I really don't want to know my results. Hence the love for holidays. Yet, I have a whole load of things to do!!! like wtf, I finally get a break from seven-crappy-hours-of our-life sessions, I consequently get drowned in a sea of extra "projects" and shiz. Okay, I only call it projects to sound glamorous and posh WAHAHAHAH when in fact, those so called "projects" are actually my dreaded responsibilities D;

1) Church project *wink wink* This is still in contemplation and uncertain of success. But it's still a task major duty. Not to mention I'm working with/for a high demanding woman boss.

2) Mag Inc. This is complicated because I make it complique. I'm pushing myself to computerize the mini mag output. Being a negative airhead, I'd prefer to think chances of sucess is also minimal.

3) Homework. Not much of a burden since it's a dozen of Add Maths questions and nothing else.

4) Biodiversity Camp. This is major. and maddening. I spent a whole poignant afternoon-evening thinking and being mourful over this. I had to like..decide whether to go or not. For once my parents told me to make my own desicion, I proved them right by not being able to do it without breaking into various mental hysterics. Although that doesn't make much sense, being in dilemma is no fun at all. I hate making decisions. The camp is in Johor and it'll take up approx a week of my holiday # so yeah I'm pretty relieved that I've decided not to go :3

4)  Going out with friends. This is not a task or anything, it's more like a blessing and I can't wait <3

5) Failing le piano exam. Intensive piano classes like mad. Group playing whereby the teacher who secretly hates my intestines will condemn and critic my like mad.

6) Mirror on the wall. Literally. I need to get a mirror in my room. Can you believe someone who is as narcisstic as I am doesn't have a mirror in her room? Wahahahaha. So yeah. I'm dreaming of a huge ass mirror plastered on my room wall.

7) Change the door. My room door is grey and ugly. Not to mention the scribbles I did. Hehehe. Trying to convince my dad to paint it PINK / change the whole door it self >:)

Thats pretty much it. Unless life doesn't go like planned again....which I rarely doesn T_T See you guise laterrr. Happy Holidays! (ノ゚ο゚)ノミ★゜・。。・

p/s : embarassed by any typos but I'm too lazy to recheck it

Labels: dance, exam, friends, holiday, humanity

Contempleting My Sanity Away

POSTED ON Friday, May 25, 2012 AT 7:09 PM

I'm so incredibly mentally lethargic yet still insist on updating this blog, for nothing. It actually boggles my mind, why I actually waste time typing crap which doesn't do me any benefits in the end. It doesn't burn my fat or generate money anyway.

I haaaaave to profess my utter gratefulness towards the holidays. It'll kind of extend my paranoia/sadness of getting the exam results back. As odd as it sounds, I really don't want to know my results. Hence the love for holidays. Yet, I have a whole load of things to do!!! like wtf, I finally get a break from seven-crappy-hours-of our-life sessions, I consequently get drowned in a sea of extra "projects" and shiz. Okay, I only call it projects to sound glamorous and posh WAHAHAHAH when in fact, those so called "projects" are actually my dreaded responsibilities D;

1) Church project *wink wink* This is still in contemplation and uncertain of success. But it's still a task major duty. Not to mention I'm working with/for a high demanding woman boss.

2) Mag Inc. This is complicated because I make it complique. I'm pushing myself to computerize the mini mag output. Being a negative airhead, I'd prefer to think chances of sucess is also minimal.

3) Homework. Not much of a burden since it's a dozen of Add Maths questions and nothing else.

4) Biodiversity Camp. This is major. and maddening. I spent a whole poignant afternoon-evening thinking and being mourful over this. I had to like..decide whether to go or not. For once my parents told me to make my own desicion, I proved them right by not being able to do it without breaking into various mental hysterics. Although that doesn't make much sense, being in dilemma is no fun at all. I hate making decisions. The camp is in Johor and it'll take up approx a week of my holiday # so yeah I'm pretty relieved that I've decided not to go :3

4)  Going out with friends. This is not a task or anything, it's more like a blessing and I can't wait <3

5) Failing le piano exam. Intensive piano classes like mad. Group playing whereby the teacher who secretly hates my intestines will condemn and critic my like mad.

6) Mirror on the wall. Literally. I need to get a mirror in my room. Can you believe someone who is as narcisstic as I am doesn't have a mirror in her room? Wahahahaha. So yeah. I'm dreaming of a huge ass mirror plastered on my room wall.

7) Change the door. My room door is grey and ugly. Not to mention the scribbles I did. Hehehe. Trying to convince my dad to paint it PINK / change the whole door it self >:)

Thats pretty much it. Unless life doesn't go like planned again....which I rarely doesn T_T See you guise laterrr. Happy Holidays! (ノ゚ο゚)ノミ★゜・。。・

p/s : embarassed by any typos but I'm too lazy to recheck it

Labels: dance, exam, friends, holiday, humanity

i burn the butterflies

I go by the moniker Sha, slef-proclaimed bimbo and part time frivolous blogger. I am addicted to One Direction, bubble tea, Zooey Deschanel, reading about shopaholics. I like taking photos every fucking time. I adore camwhoring. I love my friends, books and food. I blog about all the flipping boring occasions of my life, so you know what to expect.
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