Monday, March 5, 2012

Swans and Lists: Top Five pt. 3: At The Movies

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Swans and Lists: Top Five pt. 3: At The Movies
Mar 5th 2012, 09:26

As a film student it's basically a given that I really like films (although this has been tested at many times throughout my degree...) Here is a small collection of my favourite scenes from movies, the moment in the film which is just perfect and gets stuck in your head like a lyric from a song. (Sorry for the poor quality of some of these videos!)

1. Donnie Darko - The School Scene: Possibly my favourite scene of all time, I love the song and the slowed down/speeded upness of it all (see: my love for Wes Anderson)

2. The Royal Tenenbaums - By Way of the Green Line Bus: The song, the colours, the slow motion and stilted dialogue... what's not to love? (Nothing if you're a Wes Anderson fan, everything if you're not...) This is one of my favourite films so I could quite easily put the every scene on this list and leave it at that.

3. The Hours - Train Station Scene: This is more a current favourite as it's the main film I'm writing my dissertation on. I still haven't got sick of this amazing film after countless viewings and this scene is one of my favourite bits. My housemates seem a little scared when I burst out with "There is no such obligation!" every now and then.

(The second part of this scene is here)

4. Say Anything - Lloyd's Future: So, this film is a bit of a divider, I know, but it happens to be another favourite of mine. Largely for sentimental reasons because me and my best friend at school really loved it and she gave me the poster which I put up in my room when I first moved to university. One of my flatmates who I didn't really know yet, came in, saw the poster, and we were pretty much close friends from then on. Anyway, nostalgia aside, I think this scene is particularly fitting because of my current state of being a confused soon-to-be graduate with little idea of what to do next!

5. Almost Famous - Feck You: Another Cameron Crowe film to round of the list. I like this purely for the fact it reminds me of being in sixth form when my friend (the Say Anything poster friend) and knew the scene word for word. Plus, it's one of the few times I really like Zooey Deschanel.

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