Tuesday, April 24, 2012

25 Facts about Me by Willa Fox | Elisa Ludwig

The Story
25 Facts about Me by Willa Fox | Elisa Ludwig
Apr 25th 2012, 06:00

Age: 15
Hair color: Blondish-brownish with an auburnish glow.
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5'2". Maybe 5'2½" on a good day
Hometown: Right now? Paradise Valley, AZ, but I've moved, like, dozens of times.
Personal style: Thrift store chic meets Neiman Marcus with a little Zooey Deschanel thrown in for good measure.
Best trait: My sense of righteousness
Worst trait: I tend to get a little too caught up in my sense of righteousness.
Favorite food: My mom's no-bake cashew cookies
Career aspirations: Poet, psychologist and/or burglar
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?: Tea
Favorite movie: Rififi. If you've never heard of it, you need to remedy that.
Favorite artist: My mom, Joanne Fox
Favorite color: Indigo
Astrological sign: Taurus, baby. Mess with the bull and you get the horns.
Favorite music: Old-school hip-hop. Also Beach House, Marnie Stern and Dum Dum Girls.
Favorite pickpocketing move: The Ronaldinho, but I haven't tried it yet (swear!). You've gotta hug someone to make it work.
Dream boy: A brain, a badass and biceps, wrapped up neatly with a bow, thanks.
Favorite object in the world: My vintage Schwinn. I tricked it out myself with a crushed velvet seat, chrome fenders and a headlight, because I like to ride in style.
Person you most admire: Probably my mom, and maybe my best friend Cherise as a close second
Fashion obsession: Shoes. You can never have too many shoes.
Favorite sport: If biking doesn't count, then shopping. I can work up a sweat at a good sale, believe me.
Dogs or cats?: Never lived anywhere long enough to have a pet, but if I had my choice I would probably get a monkey. Or maybe a dog named Monkey.
Goal you'd like to achieve this year: Survive my first year at Valley Prep with a decent GPA and no jail time.
What would you most like to change about the world?: Easy. I would get rid of the bullies.

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