Tuesday, April 24, 2012

IMAGINE... A DAY IN THE LIFE: Zooey Deschanel + Glasses

The Story
IMAGINE... A DAY IN THE LIFE: Zooey Deschanel + Glasses
Apr 25th 2012, 06:06

The latest episode of Zooey Deschanel's Fox show New Girl ended a few minutes ago. My first thoughts? Zooey's character, Jess Day, wear really fun clothes. Also, her glasses are awesome. After a quick consultation with Google*, I found out they are from the designer to the stars Oliver Peoples.

After realizing that I was one of many, many people who wanted to know more about them, it further solidified this fact: my friends, glasses are in style. And with the right pair, you they make practical and normal look good. (This is one of my favorite parts of New Girl, as the little nuances of normal life are funny!) 

Here are some other people who make wearing glasses look good:

Megan Fox

Leighton Meester

Zoe Saldana

Shenae Grimes

Mindy Kaling

Also, back to Zooey's New Girl glasses, you can find a similar pair at Lookmatic, an online website that sells super stylish prescription glasses for $88, or just $58 if you want only the frames. How can they be so inexpensive? The Lookmatic team designs their own frames instead of buying from other labels, meaning that they are manufactured solely for themselves. The next time I need glasses (or sunglasses!), I'm tempted to try them. :)
Do you wear glasses? Or wish you did? What do they look like? I wear the Conquistador's below in tortoise. 
* If I were doing a more realistic job of channeling my inner Zooey, I probably should have consulted Siri on my iPhone. Alas, I don't have one. And while we're on that note, who actually likes tomato soup enough to want to have it delivered?

P.S. Tomorrow is my blog's two-year anniversary! I'm crossing my fingers I'll get a chance to post, but I also know I have a doctor's appointment and a photography assignment to work on tomorrow. :)

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