Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cake for Breakfast: Graduation and the Past Months of Life

The Story
Cake for Breakfast: Graduation and the Past Months of Life
Apr 25th 2012, 06:07

A lot has happened since Mike's inaugural MCAT essay-formatted love note (for which he received much Ashley lovin').  Please excuse me, but the less I post on my blog, the harder it is to get back into the habit.  Since the last post, our circumstance has changed dramatically in a few key ways. 

After hours spent in secret study rooms, library cubicles and at home, hours of essay correction and fretting over responses to notorious interview questions, Michael Quentin Sanderson has been accepted to the WWAMI program at the University of Washington Medical School!!! I can't tell you what a blessing this is for our family.  The promise of a future path, stability, and direction are a comfort to me and Mike, and as grateful as I am for his hours of preparation, we are both so grateful to the Lord for granting us this blessing.

Getting ready to walk with the College of Life Sciences, we pose with Brother Brigham
Wearing our matching BYU Alumni shirts at dinner

We finished up the semester by walking together as Brigham Young University graduates.  Mike quit his job teaching for KAPLAN and we are still trying to regain a sense of normalcy in our lives.  Some things remain the same.  We still enjoy J-Dawgs and Rancheritos, cousin dinners, shopping at DI, and going to free BYU tennis games for date night.   We hang out with the remainder of our friends in Provo, read scriptures together each night, and dream of our future "real life" together.  I hate to make this post another one of my lists (well, who am I kidding? I CRAVE list-making) so here goes…

Our past few months at a glance seem overwhelming, but I'd like to touch on the highlights.  In the month of FEBRUARY, we:

 Listened to my cousin Kevin's homecoming talk once he returned back from a mission to Madagascar

I waited impatiently at home for Mike as he interviewed for medical schools across the country

We vacationed with my family (Laser Tag, a laser show at CU, visiting Bri and Ruth) in Leramie while Mike interviewed for the WWAMI program. 

Attended Mike's sister & brother-in-law's sealing in the Billings Montana temple (YAY!)

Celebrated Valentines Day weekend by Machata dancing with friends, ward dancing instruction, & watching PS I Love You (PS Mike cried with me during the whole thing)

I bombed a practice GRE

In MARCH, we:

Made cakeballs, worked out, attended tennis games, watched tons of movies (Planet of the Apes, Mission Impossible, Sherlock Holmes)

"Oohed" and "Ahhed" over cute baby clothes at Jessie Leavitte's baby shower *(many of our good friends are either prego or moms & dads now)

Hiked "the Y"

Made homemade popcorn, pizza, and chibatta bread sandwiches

Partied with the McQuay's on St. Patrick's Day

I faced my fears and sang my first solo, Abide With Me in Church

Dressed up for Buffalo Wild Wings and the Hunger Games movie premier with friends

Threw colors at each-other at the festival at colors with friends

Laughed with and listened to the Hilary Weeks devotional at BYU

Partied with my cousins and extended family

Dressed up for Mike's third Mission reunion (he's getting so old!)

Made TP dresses at my cousin's fiancé Deb's bridal shower

Slept over at my aunt's for general conference weekend, went mountain biking, and to an Asian market (I miss Japan so much!)

In APRIL, we:

Hiked through MOAB for the first time with our fam bam the LeStarge clan. We feasted on potatoes, chicken pot pie, s'mores, and roasted Starbursts.  We hiked to the top of the "fins", played capture the flag in the hot moonlit sand, and had an amazing Easter Testimony meeting in the desert.

We are so cool for climbing this rock
A little planking
Throwing flour in the fire

We said goodbye to the McQuays as they had a going away party (bittersweet)

We came home exhausted after studying our little butts off for finals


I turned in my final art project: a compilation of my most recent figure drawings and a smash-book of my own making 

Listened to Elder Oaks at graduation commencement and had dinner with Mike's Parents

Took lots of pictures as we graduated from BYU, supported by all our family

Danced the night away at the Moonlight Serenede with 40s music, Prime Rib, and amazing people at Davis High School (thank you Jill!)

Mike got an awesome tablet (thanks Jane & Tim!)

Had breakfast with the Sandersons, toured campus, and laughed our heads off at "The Princess Bridezilla" at Desert Star theatre (Thank you Lisa!)

What an amazing life.  I'd like to thank our families for showing us so much love and spending so much time with us.  They have always supported us through everything, given us amazing gifts, and it has been a blessing to live so close and to see them so often. 

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